Save the date: ENISA Workshop on EU Threat Landscape

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24th February 2015, Hotel Metropole, Brussels

ENISA is organising the EU Threat Landscape Workshop on the 24th February, 2015, in Brussels. The workshop is targeted at vendors, policy and decision makers, NIS security experts involved in threat intelligence, security operation centres and risk assessments, and other public and private sector organisations who use threat intelligence in cyber security defence

 The objective of this workshop is threefold:

  • to disseminate ENISA work
  • to trigger discussions on the topic and sensibilize the community, and
  • to enlarge the stakeholder community with the aim to utilise it in future ENISA work in the field.

The outcomes of the workshop will directly flow into ENISA’s work in 2015. As the event will be taking place early in the year, the results will have an effect on the execution of related projects. The workshop aims to highlight issues which need to be addressed, provide ideas, and enhance communication among stakeholders. In the mid-term ENISA expects to achieve synergies, and mobilize the community towards the accomplishment of common goals through cross fertilization of ideas.

Information on the agenda of the event will be published soon. Attendance is free of charge.


Worldwide, the cyber threat landscape – and threat analysis in general – has been assigned a central role in practical Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM). This is the case both in the relevant vendor market and within end-user organisations. A plethora of related services and good practices are available that are based on threat intelligence. They consist mainly of collection, aggregation and correlation of data. It has been recognised that information on cyber-threats should be the parameter to actively adapt security protection practices towards a more agile management of security controls.